
teenage student studying

5 Steps to Reduce Exam Stress

The preparation for and undertaking of intense examination can cause high levels of stress and anxiety. Here are five simple steps that any child can adopt in their daily lives order to minimise exam stress.

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Unlocking Success: Effective Revision Techniques for GCSEs and A-Levels

Exploring effective revision techniques for GCSEs and A-Levels, including active recall, spaced repetition, and mnemonics. It emphasises the importance of self-care alongside academic preparation and aims to equip students with strategies to optimise study sessions and enhance memory retention, ultimately fostering success in their exams while prioritising their well-being.

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The 21st Century Parent

The 21st Century Parent is a brand new programme that upskills parents on key issues facing children whilst also allowing parents to become part of a community where we can learn from one another.

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The Vital Importance of Sleep for Students

The Vital Importance of Sleep for Students

In the fast-paced world of academia, students often find themselves juggling a multitude of responsibilities, from attending classes to completing assignments and engaging in extracurricular activities. In this blog, we’ll explore why getting adequate sleep is crucial for academic success and overall well-being

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