Corporate Workshops

“Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.”

Founder of Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

Mental Health, Well-Being & Mindfulness Workshops

We deliver workplace mental health and wellbeing programmes designed to enhance employee health and happiness. Happier people lead to a healthier business.

We run many of our workshops with Jonny Benjamin MBE, the UK’s leading mental health educator.

Workshops we run include:

  • Top Tips for Enhancing Your Well-Being
  • Building Personal Resilience
  • Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem
  • Savouring the Moment
  • Understanding Our Minds and the Nature of Thinking
  • Identifying Our Strengths and Learning Optimism
  • Exploring Mental Health and Mental Health First Aid
  • Mindfulness Taster Sessions
  • Introducing Mindfulness to Your Family

Our ‘Mindfulness at Work’ training helps to promote feelings of calm, clarity and concentration – a remedy to stress and a boost to creativity. It also changes employees’ reaction to stress, enhancing resilience and improving interpersonal relations and communication.

Mindfulness Courses We Run Include:

Click below to read testimonials from:

Hammerson HR Business Partner

General Medical Council (GMC)

Parent and Education Workshops

We offer a range of dynamic and interactive workshops for organisations that wish to support their employees confidently navigate parenthood and their children’s educational journeys.

Being a parent is probably the most rewarding but difficult job one will ever have (with the least amount of training). With a positive approach, children are more likely to reach their full potential.

Topics Include:

  • The challenges of social media and how to manage them
  • Introducing mindfulness to your family
  • Demystifying the British education system
  • Making sense of the 11+ process
  • Coping with exam stress
  • Helping your child with their homework
  • Revision skills & exam techniques
  • Supporting children with special educational needs
  • Preparing for university
  • What career should my child choose?

To find out more about how we can help the people in your organisation please contact us.

On revolving green testimonial banner (this should be a different revolving banner to the rest of the site):

  • “Please pass on my thanks for an engaging, interesting, inspiring session. Huge admiration for the presenters.” Employee
  • “I just wanted to feed back that I thought it was an incredible session. Both of them were great, spoke so well, and said things that will definitely stick with me.” Employee
  • “That was so brilliant. I even took pictures of the screen.” Employee
  • “Some really good tips. Feedback from the team is really positive too, so thank you!” Employee

The Good School Guide Says:

“This is a tutoring company that provides a friendly and efficient service. Forthcoming and reliable, they will bend over backwards to help.”

Contact us today:

The Good School Guide Says:

“This is a tutoring company that provides a friendly and efficient service. Forthcoming and reliable, they will bend over backwards to help.”
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