“Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.”
11 + Tuition
11+ tuition helps children gain the knowledge and confidence they need to secure a place at the secondary school of their choice. As parents, we want to support our children to achieve the very best in life, and this includes providing them with 11 plus tuition. All children have their natural strengths but some also have pockets of knowledge they may find harder to master – and that’s exactly where tuition can be so valuable.

If your child wants to attend a certain school that requires they pass an entrance exam, helping them prepare for this is vital. It can be the key to getting them into their first choice of educational setting. These exams are competitive and they are likely to be quite different from tests and exams that they have come across before. But don’t be daunted – you don’t need to have a genius level IQ to pass!
Encouraging Independent Thinkers
During the 11 plus tuition we teach skills such as critical thinking and problem solving that common entrance exams test. It’s not about simply repeating back knowledge – 11 plus is a test of independent thinking. Luckily, this is a set of essential skills that can be taught with the right coaching. In fact, the skills your child learns now can be developed and used throughout their educational career, right up to university and into the workplace!
Three Skills For Passing 11 Plus Exams
Within a fun learning environment, anything is possible. We believe it’s all about creating the right mindset within our learners to help them tackle any subject. Over time and tutoring thousands of pupils, we’ve developed knowledge of the three key skills every pupil needs to pass their 11 plus exams:
A Success Mindset – Having confidence is often overlooked, and yet it’s the absolute foundation of exam success. The 11 plus requires students to demonstrate their ability to draw strands of knowledge together, develop, explain and defend their own viewpoint- all of which takes self-belief. Our tutors focus on building up your child’s academic confidence, supporting them to explore topics and demonstrate their thinking. When they truly believe they’re capable, the sky is the limit!
Regular Practice – Another important component is simply practice- think of an athlete running through their warm-up every day. The more your child flexes their thinking muscles and engages their brain in learning, the easier it gets. So teaching the habits of regular, structured time to revise and recap new information is critical. The art of learning is a skill in itself – we teach your child how to structure their learning and revision in ways that help them to process and retain their new knowledge.
Developing Core Skills – Our focus is to tutor children in the core skills in Maths and English, along with tutoring them in verbal and non-verbal reasoning skills. Our tutors help to explain and develop these skills, and help children to achieve their full potential.

All of our fully DBS-checked tutors are excited to help your child learn and develop, through offering personalised tutoring designed to meet the individual needs of each pupil.
We offer:
- 11 Plus Maths tutors
- 11 Plus English tutors
- Maths- mental maths, maths concepts, maths skills, maths problems, arithmetic
- English-creative writing – plan and structure a piece of writing.
- English-comprehension skills – deduction and inference.
- English grammar and vocabulary.
- Verbal reasoning- solving problems related to words and text.
- Non-verbal reasoning-solve problems related to diagrams and pictures
- Exam preparation
- Interview practice
So help your child to realise their full potential with a friendly, helpful approach to learning that will help them pass their 11 plus exams, spread their wings and fly. Book a risk-free first lesson today.
School Entrance Maths Tutors
School Entrance English Tutors
Good to know…Our team of tutors cover all areas of 11 plus tuition and have a great number of resources they use to fully prepare students for these assessments.