Why doesn’t the sun go to university?
Because it has 5 thousand degrees.
University Admissions
When the time comes to start thinking about university admissions, many people feel overwhelmed at the list of things to do and how to make their application stand out. If you are struggling to get your mind wrapped around this process, don’t worry, there are steps you can take to be in control and create the best application possible.

Where to apply?
First, you need to choose the places you want to apply to. When you consider where you want to apply for university, there are many things you need to decide. Firstly, you should only apply to places that you actually want to attend.
Secondly, you will, of course, have preferences, but you should apply to a wide range of universities you like as this will allow you to ensure you are accepted somewhere, even if you aren’t accepted at your first pick.
You also need to consider where you want to live. If you want to continue living at home, then you will need somewhere that is within commuting distance. You may want to live somewhere new where you have never been before. You should think about the town or city in which you want to live and what will fit your personality best.
You will need to know what the cost of the university is, transportation costs, and the general cost of living in different locations. You can visit the UCAS website to find more information about University admissions including courses, open days, and how to apply.
Subject of study
You also need to consider what you want to study. You want to choose a university that offers the program of study you are interested in. You may even need to apply to a specialised program at university depending on what you want to study.
You should think about what you enjoy doing and what career you might enjoy pursuing. You can look at career sites and think about what course of study will help you reach your career goals. You should not only think about your interests, but you should also think about your qualifications and strengths. Finding a career that will compliment your strengths will go a long way in having a successful career.

How to study?
You will also need to consider how you want to study. Some people want to pursue a full-time university career to finish faster. If you don’t have time to go to school full-time, then you may want to study part-time. It will take longer, but the pace will be more relaxed, and you will be able to continue working or follow other pursuits.
You can also consider distance learning which will allow you to study at a different location than where you live. There are also blended courses that combine face-to-face learning and online courses. If you are looking to get your degree faster, you could look into programs that offer accelerated degrees or work-based learning that allows you to learn while on the job.
Once you know the where and what course, then you are ready to start applying, you should include all parts of the application and check entry requirements and deadlines frequently to ensure nothing is forgotten. You want to make sure you complete all the deadlines, but you also need to make sure that all your submissions are the best sample of your work.
Enhance your application
You can do a few things to make your application stand out like researching your course to ensure your application matches the qualifications. You should show how you are engaged with your chosen course of learning. You should also include any experience you have related to your subject area.
You should include other areas of your life like volunteer work, especially if that is related to your area of study. You can show your good work ethic by having good grades, being involved in extracurricular activities, and participating in your community.
You should also show how confident you are in yourself. People are more likely to admit people who show that they are confident in their abilities and in pursuit of new goals.
Newman Tuition tutors can help support you through the University admissions process, support with writing your personal statement and tutoring you whilst you are studying at University. Contact us today for more information.
Good to know…when writing your personal statement remember to focus on your strengths, be honest and take your time. We are here to help.