Video: Mathematics of Social Distancing

Ever since the COVID-19 epidemic started at the beginning of this year, ‘Social Distance’ has become an important element almost everywhere around the globe to advise people to follow the guidance in the hope to supress and control this virus from spreading.
The topic of Social Distancing comes up very frequently in the media, and it is likely to be part of our lives and daily routine for some time to come.
During the lockdown I came up with an idea to introduce this topic to mathematics and exploring some interesting results and formulae. And so I created a video for students to watch to enable them to understand Social Distancing from the perspective of Mathematics.
The video introduces some mathematical methods and formulae to work out the maximum number of people to assign to a queue line and other geometrical shapes such as a rectangle and triangle hall. This subject is also be broken down to a more simple version so that it is accessible for students of GCSE and A level Maths.
Haemin is a maths, physics and computing tutor with Newman Tuition. To book a lesson with him, or one of our other excellent tutors, please call us on 020 3198 8006, email us at [email protected], or complete the form on the ‘Contact Us’ page.