6-Week Online Programme for Parents/Carers of Anxious Children

Does your child experience anxiety?
Are you struggling with how best to help them?
Do you experience feelings of despair, helplessness, frustration, sadness?
Then this programme will support you to make necessary changes so you can be your best self for your child.
These 6 weekly online sessions will be interactive, practical and applicable to every day life. They will support you to manage the stresses and strains of taking care of an anxious child with all of the fears and emotions that come with it.
You will be invited to try things during the week to see what impact they have on both you, and the people around you. It will require some hard work, commitment and desire for change as you will be doing the work.
There will be a lot of support available from me and nothing will feel like it is not possible to try.
If you have reached the point where you can clearly see what you are currently doing is not working, and you know change is necessary, then this is the programme for you.
Equally, you may know someone in this situation who this could help so please feel free to let them know about this programme. Since the pandemic, anxiety in children has seen a huge increase so anything we do to support ourselves as parents and carers is hugely worthwhile.
Thursday’s 8.00-9.30pm, Online
April 27,
May 4, 11, 18, 25
June (1 break for HT), 8
Please contact Jo from The Breath Academy for more information: [email protected] or 07970067197