Home School Mentor Service

picture of a woman and a board written mentor

To help parents manage their children’s educational needs during this lockdown period, we are introducing our Home School Mentor daily service.

We are providing parents and their children a hand-picked mentor who will help guide them through their home learning, and who, amongst other things, will:

  • help students organise their school work;
  • help create a work timetable (if one doesn’t already exist);
  • provide a daily sounding board for students to discuss their work;
  • provide parents with support.


How it Works:

Each weekday, the student and or/parent will have a 20 minute video call with their mentor to discuss work, answer any questions and establish priorities. If additional support is required outside of this time, then the mentor is available via text/Whatsapp.

Through this service we hope that children and parents will feel supported by having a teacher available for them at all times.

The cost for this service is only £100 per child per week.

To find out more please contact us on 020 3198 8006 or email [email protected]

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