The Importance of Your Child’s Wellbeing

Being a Dyslexic student in school, exams were a very challenging time for me. Overwhelmed with the amount of subjects I had to revise for, pressure around good grades and negative self talk about being a failure. I wish I had been given the support and education that we are now providing at Young Happy Minds. And this is why I do what I do now.
Young Happy Minds puts well-being at the heart of education giving young people concrete tools and guidelines that help them to flourish and grow. We do this through positive interventions, teaching positive psychology and wellbeing through interactive and experiential lessons.
We are witnessing the massive rise of mental health problems amongst our young people. The statistics show up to 300,000 young people in Britain have an anxiety disorder; and nearly 80,000 suffer from severe depression. Exams are the number one cause of stress for young people with so much pressure on them to achieve high grades.
I have been going into schools supporting students who are suffering stress around their exams by giving them mindfulness tips. This helps to keep them calm and raise their productivity, as well as showing that they can approach their revision in a healthy, balanced and positive way. I have also been helping students manage their phone habits during revision time.
I was in a class of Year 12’s and asked what their thinking is towards exams. A majority felt that if they fail in their exams, that means they will fail in life. Who is giving them this messaging? How is imparting fear in them empowering? And during this stressful exam time, who is looking out for their wellbeing and mental health?
Young Happy Minds is acting as a prevention to poor mental health. Equipping young people with tools that help boost their self-esteem, raising their focus and concentration through mindfulness, and increasing their confidence through helping them identify their signature strengths.
I can see the impact we are making and how it is changing students’ attitudes towards school and exams and, most importantly of all, raising their belief in themselves and their abilities.
During half-term, on Friday 2nd June 10am-12pm, Newman Tuition and Young Happy Minds are teaming up to offer a unique interactive and experiential workshop titled ‘A Positive Mindset to Exams’ for students in Years 10, 11, 12 & 13.
Students will identify their strengths and be shown how to apply these to their studies and to exams. We will also practice Mindfulness techniques that have been proven to reduce stress and increase focus.
This unique workshop will take place in Edgware and costs just £45. To book, or to find out more, please call 020 3198 8006 or email [email protected]. The first 4 sign ups will get a free 15 minutes one to one coaching session.