Robotics Camp A Huge Success!

On Monday and Tuesday this week we ran our first Robotics Camp. Our mission was to bring tomorrow’s education here today. Judging by what our students produced, and the smiles on their faces, it is safe to say it was a huge success!
Students were given the raw electrical components needed to build a robot and were then given time to design and build their very own personalised machines. They were then given a lesson in coding by our superb instructor, and proceeded to program an app for their mobile phone. This app controlled their robots so that, using the app, they could make their machines move forward and backwards, as well as left and right.
This then left time at the end for some healthy robotic competition! The students used their robots to compete in relay races, as well as attempting rather tricky looking assault courses!
The feedback from students and parents has been amazingly positive. A common response was that they learnt so much but also had a huge amount of fun – exactly how education should be! One student described the workshop as “epic”.
We hope to run similar camps in the future. If you think your child would enjoy attending, please get in touch.